Chapter outlines from "American Pageant (13th edition)" to help you review what you've read, chapter-by-chapter. Use this information to ace your AP U.S. History quizzes and tests!
Every important vocabulary word from American Pageant (13th edition), broken down chapter-by-chapter for quick review. These vocabulary flashcards cover nearly all AP U.S. History concepts you will see on the AP exam.
Test your U.S. History knowledge with one of our sample tests. Use these sample questions to focus your studying on the areas that you need improvement.
In-depth topic outlines on specific U.S. History related topics. Very helpful if you need to review a specific topic or study for essay prompts.
Do you know your AP U.S. History chronology? Use these handy timelines to help you memorize important dates in U.S. History.
Important Supreme Court cases to study and memorize for the AP U.S. history.
Use these sample AP U.S. History essays to get ideas for your own AP essays. These essays are examples of good AP-level writing.