Duke Admissions Essays

Optional Research Essay


If you have participated in any significant research activity outside of school, please provide a brief description and limit your response to one or two paragraphs.

My experience designing websites and Internet applications landed me a job as a Webmaster for Intel Corporation this past summer. I had the opportunity to work for Intel’s CIO on the development of an Intranet Video Channel to improve employee communication and productivity. My task was to research the viability of using web video, a la YouTube, as a medium for the company management to communicate with employees more efficiently than the current methods of email and blogging.

I presented a proposal for three possible methods of building an internal video infrastructure. I conducted a thorough test of each method, and presented my findings to the IT Communications Department. The solution I recommended was the one that was eventually chosen. Not only was it the most economical solution for Intel but it was straightforward and utilized existing workstations and servers. The system would use Adobe Flash Video technology combined with advanced server-side scripting and a Cisco Content Distribution Network to ensure speedy downloads for all of Intel's employees, local and international. The final project documentation, which I wrote, was 21 pages including graphical aids. My eight-week internship at Intel not only exposed me to the high-tech industry, but it helped me to develop critical business knowledge and technical skills which I’ve put to use in my many endeavors.

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Anonymous Student. "Optional Research Essay" StudyNotes.org. Study Notes, LLC., 07 Oct. 2013. Web. 09 Feb. 2025. <https://www.apstudynotes.org/duke/optional-research-essay/>.