Ran Zhou

Ran's College Essays


"We are going to visit Rice today" My mom leaned back in her front row seat and said to me.

 My brain went into a frenzy.

All other questions flooding my thoughts dissipated, however, when my eyes lay on Rice's beautiful Byzantine styled buildings with its magnificent archways...

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As my thoughts drifted by with snapshots of scenes of the most memorable parts of my summer, I realized more fully than ever why I love engineering:

June 21st, 2014

Standing in the dim auditorium at the University of Texas in Austin, I nervously gulped as I nodded at my First Bytes computer science ca...

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"Yes!" I stared excitedly at the "program completed" text shown on the Statistical Analysis Software. Graphs and data charts showing various statistical relationships between different biomarkers and cognitive functions are strewn across the screen in victory. Exhilaration rushed...

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