- 1940
- Roosevelt makes destroyers-for-bases deal with the British
- Fall of France
- First peacetime draft
- 1941
- Lend-Lease, Battle of Britain, Hitler attacks USSR
- Atlantic Charter
- Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
- 1942
- Allied year of disaster
- U. S. interns Japanese
- U. S. halts Japanese at Coral Sea and Midway
- 1943
- Tide turns against Axis
- Russia wins at Stalingrad, unconditional surrender demanded
- Italy invaded
- 1944
- France invaded
- Bombing of Japan begins
- Russia sweeps through Eastern Europe
- Philippines liberated
- 1945
- Yalta
- FDR dies
- Germany surrenders
- Atom bombs
- End of WW 2
- 1946
- U. S. - USSR relations worsen
- "Iron Curtain" speech
- 1947
- Cold War begins
- Marshall Plan
- Containment
- 1948-1949
- Berlin Airlift
- Taft-Hartley
- Military integrated
- 1949
- Russia explodes the bomb
- Communists control China
- 1950
- Korean War
- Joseph McCarthy
- 1951: Twenty-second Amendment limits the President to two terms
- 1952: Dwight Eisenhower elected President
- 1953: Industries agree on guaranteed annual wage
- 1954
- Brown v. Board of Education, Supreme Court strikes down "separate but equal."
- Vietnam divided
- 1955: Montgomery Bus Boycott, emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- 1957
- Sputnik
- Eisenhower Doctrine
- Little rock Crisis
- Civil Rights Act
- 1958
- First U. S. satellite and ICBM
- U. S. occupies Lebanon
- 1960
- U-2 shot down over Russia
- Soviet and Chinese split
- John F. Kennedy elected President
- non-violent protests against segregation
You just finished 1940-1960. Nice work!
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Aboukhadijeh, Feross. "1940-1960" StudyNotes.org. Study Notes, LLC., 17 Nov. 2012. Web. 12 Oct. 2024. <https://www.apstudynotes.org/us-history/timelines/1940-1960/>.