- 1961
- Freedom rides
- Twenty-third Amendment gives District of Columbia the right to vote for President
- Berlin crisis
- Peace Corps
- Bay of Pigs
- 16,000 in Vietnam
- 1962
- University of Mississippi integrated
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- 1963
- Civil Rights march on Washington
- JFK assassinated
- Feminine Mystique
- 1964
- Free speech movement at Berkeley
- Beatles
- Twenty-fourth Amendment outlaws the poll tax
- War on poverty
- Gulf of Tonkin
- 1965
- Great Society
- Operation Rolling Thunder in Vietnam
- Malcolm X assassinated
- 1966
- Black Power
- France withdraws from NATO
- N. O. W. formed
- 1967
- Detroit Riot
- Peace movement in the U. S.
- 1968
- Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther Kin murdered
- Tet Offensive
- Johnson won't seek re-election
- Richard Nixon elected President
- 1969
- Vietnamization
- First man on the moon
- Nixon proposed New Federalism
- 1970
- Massacre at Kent State
- EPA established
- Cambodian invasion creates anti-war turbulence
- SALT talks begin
You just finished 1960-1970. Nice work!
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Aboukhadijeh, Feross. "1960-1970" StudyNotes.org. Study Notes, LLC., 17 Nov. 2012. Web. 12 Oct. 2024. <https://www.apstudynotes.org/us-history/timelines/1960-1970/>.