constituents - The body of voters or supporters in a district, regarded as a group. “... his Tennessee constituents began to talk of running him for the presidency.”
divine right - The belief that government or rulers are directly established by God. “... America was now witnessing the divine right of the people.”
hard money - Gold and Silver coins, as distinguished from paper money. “They sought ... to substitute hard money for bank notes...”
deference - The yielding of opinion to the judgment of someone else. “The deferene, apathy, and virtually nonexistent party organizations...gave way to... boisterous democracy...”
subversive - Tending to corrupt, overthrow, or destroy something established. “This procedure was now condemned as... subversive of democracy.”
clique - A small, exclusive, and snobbish circle of people. “... the voters... turned against the candidate... who had been selected by the congressional clique.”
puritanical - Extremely or excessively strict in matters of morals or religion. “The only candidate left was the puritanical Adams...”
usurpation - The act of seizing, occupying, or enjoying the place, power, or functions of someone without right. “... Adams [was]... smarting under charges of...’usurpation.’”
political plums - Choice, desirable offices of favors. “If the president would not reward party workers with political plums, why should they labor...?”
mudslinging - Malicious, unscrupulous attacks against an opponent. “Mudslinging reached a disgraceful level...”
bare-knuckle - Hard, unrestrained, brutal. “... the new mass electorate [had a taste] for bare-knuckle politics.”
machine - A political organization, often controlled through patronage or spoils. “... [in] New York and Pennsylvania, .... well-greased machines were operating.”
spoils - Public offices given as a reward for political support. “The emphasis was more on spoils than on responsibilities.”
henchmen - Political supporters or followers. “... Jackson believed that the swiftest road to reform was to... bring in his own trusted henchmen.”
incumbent - The person currently holding an office. “The open break with the incumbent... blighted his hopes.”
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