insurrection - Rebellion against political authority. “Insurrection of thought usually precedes insurrection of deed.”
mercantilism - The economic theory that all parts of an economy should be coordinated for the good of the whole state; hence, that colonial economics should be subordinated for the benefit of an empire. “That theory was called mercantilism.”
depreciate - To decrease in value, as in the decline of the purchasing power of money. “…dire need finally forced many of the colonies to issue paper money, which unfortunately depreciated.”
protective tariffs - Taxes places on imported goods, often to raise prices and thus protect domestic producers. “Manufacturers, workers, and farmers seek to ensure their prosperity through protective tariffs….”
mortgage - To pledge property to a creditor as security for a loan or debt. “Virginia planters … were forced to buy their necessities in England by mortgaging future crops.”
admiralty courts - In British law, special administrative courts designed to handle maritime cases without a jury. “Both [acts] provided for trying offenders in the hated admiralty courts….”
virtual representation - The political theory that a class of persons is represented in a lawmaking body without direct vote. “Elaborating the theory of ‘virtual representation.’ Grenville claimed that every member of Parliament represented all British subjects, even…Americans….”
nonimportation agreement - Pledges to boycott, or decline to purchase, certain goods from abroad. “More effective than the congress was the widespread adoption of nonimportation agreements….”
mulatto - A person of mixed African and European ancestry. “…Crispus Attucks [was] described…as a powerfully built runaway ‘mulatto’….”
duty - A customs tax on the export or import of goods. “…Parliament…repeal[ed] the Townshend revenue duties.”
propaganda - A systematic program or particular materials designed to spread certain ideas; sometimes but not always the term implies the use of manipulative or deceptive means. “Their chief function was to spread propaganda….”
boycott - An organized refusal to deal with some person, organization, or product. “…this one called for a complete boycott of British goods….”
inflation - An increase in the supply of currency relative to the goods available, leading to a decline in the purchasing power of money. “Inflation of the currency inevitably skyrocketed prices.”
desert - To leave official or military service without permission. “…hundreds of anxious husbands and fathers deserted.”
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